Status changed: Draft to Pending.
– PVA prime ceiling & window wall
– Bond to window wall
– reskim ceiling & window wall
– PVA prime ceiling & window wall
– Bond to window wall
– reskim ceiling & window wall
Thank you; I really appreciate your business.
Payment is to be made on completion.
Status changed: Draft to Pending.
Estimate viewed by for the first time.
Status changed: Draft to Pending.
Quotation updated by RgPlastering.
Quotation updated by RgPlastering.
Estimate viewed by Rick Gibson (Rickgibson88) for the first time.
Quotation updated by RgPlastering.
Estimate viewed by for the first time.
Estimate viewed by for the first time.
Status changed: Pending to Approved.
Invoice Created: 2332.
Estimate viewed by 2a00:23c7:dc00:a501:c831:d662:64fd:5fa7 for the first time.